quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2007

Vômito/ Puke

Ai ai.. as vezes parece, pra mim, que tem que morrer gente para as pessoas(governadores em geral) perceberem que as coisas estão realmente ferradas. Falando em ferrado, acho que eu ferrei esse desenho com as cores, ficou meio vomitado, saturado e acho qu eu tinha que ter estudado melhor as cores, mas ficou interessante.
Nessa ilustração também coloco um certo movimento que acho bem legal!
Oh boy.... sometimes, to me, it seams that people have to die so others( mostly our governors) realize that things are in big trouble, it's really sad too see a major plane crash in my homecity....
This drawig didn't turned out as I expected, to me the colors are over the top and puked, I should've studied more how I would place them, but still the final result is intresting.
In this ilustration I also try to put moviment, something that I'm trying to put more now in my art, which I think it's pretty cool!

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