O desenho do homem na carruagem foi tirado de um boneco de sombras esculpido em osso. A série é de 20 gravuras, boa parte dela vou doar a minhas tias e tios, pois, esse ano comemoramos os 50 anos da vinda do meu avô.
This print is the beginning of my studies in search of a language between Cordel’s literature (typical art of Northeast of Brazil) and Indonesia art. This search actually started to find an artistic identity and also a personal identity too. Since my father was born in Indonesia and my mom was born in the northeast of Brazil (Pernambuco state) and from this almost unique mix came my brother and I.
The drawing of the man in the carriage was taken from this Indonesian shadow theater piece made of bone. There are 20 prints of this series and I’m going to donate most of it to my aunts and uncles, cause this year we celebrate the 50th year that my grandfather came to our country.
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