Na Galeria Vermelho tinha um quadro fotográfico que mudava conforme você passava por ele, que nem aqueles cartões de aniversário de antigamente. O engraçado que esse artista deve ter se “inspirado” em outro que vi na SP Arte do ano passado que tinha o mesmo efeito só que muito mais bem feito. Nada se cria tudo se copia( até essa frase).
There is something that fascinates me about clouds. To me, they are mountains that are floating over our heads, making incredible and unique drawings. Also, is a way for me to escape from a landscape that I’m tired to look at, the sky changes it all. Yesterday was a beautiful day. This picture was taken early morning, at 6:45 am when the sun was coming up. Later, I went to Vermelho Gallery and saw the most impressive sunset I’ve ever seen, the clouds reflected the sunlight and then they turned in to a bright and intense red. Beautiful.
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