O interessante sobre este pingente é que podemos ver que foi feito a mão e que nele tem a identidade Indonésia: India+Ásia. A parte asiática pela face que lembra os Kabukis, as carrancas e a parte indiana pelos detalhes que decoram a peça.
Em 2009 será a o ano 50 desde a vinda da família do meu pai para o Brasil, um dos meus projetos é catalogar e escrever sobre a vinda e vida deles para que assim a história não se perca.
This pendant was a gift from my aunt. In it has a ton of history, so much that it won’t fit in here. It came with my dad’s side of the family from Indonesia. Recently we sold my grandpa’s house and before we deliver it we took everything that had value from it and I was able to dive in to this very rich story that is also mine.
The interesting part of this pendant is that we can see it was hand made and in it has the Indonesian identity: India+Asia. The Asian part is in the face that resembles the Kabukis and the Indian part is in the details that surround’s it.
In 2009 it will be the 50th year that the family arrived here in Brazil, one of my projects is to write and document about this history, so it won’t get lost.